Monday 17 October 2011

Here is a lovely new video called Even Eagles Need A Push (click the link to watch the video)
It's from and will only take only a few minutes of your time to watch it, and maybe change your perspective on life in some way.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The 100/0 Principle Movie

If you're interested in improving your relationships with your spouse, family members, friends and/or colleagues, then you must watch this 100/0 Principle movie.

"80% of life's satisfaction comes from meaningful relationships."~ Brian Tracy

The message in this free short video is so simple, yet so powerful. If you "get it," not only will it make you a better person, but quite will change your life.

Follow the 3 simple steps outlined in this movie and you will transform your life and those around you.

The 100/0 Principle movie