Wednesday 10 August 2011

Trust Your Gut Instinct

"Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way." -Florence Scovel Shinn
We all have an inherent warning system to help us determine if things are good or bad or if we should move forward or pull back. It is your sixth sense. It is the feeling you have inside that nudges you letting you know that something isn't quite right or it may make you feel a little bit uncomfortable, but it is there for a reason and unfortunately many times we choose to ignore it.
We may allow our desires to want something so badly that we overlook the signs and brush off our gut feelings that are telling us to beware. Whether you're about to buy a new home, make a huge investment or change jobs you will have a very tangible feeling that is clearly pulling you in one direction. It is divinely guiding you to do the right thing, so it's time to tap into it and pay attention.
I see this most often in relationships where people see the "Big Red Flags" and they choose to ignore them. And, many times these flags are slapping them in their face but they turn their head the other way. These Red Flags are warning signs or impending problems down the road. They are a little glimpse into bigger issues that are ahead of you.
When you are in a relationship and you just don't feel right about things, if what they say doesn't match how they act, if you are unhappy more than you are happy, if you are always looking for the "right" answers instead of listening to the wrong excuses, you are finely tuned into a God given gift known as your intuition.
When you begin to trust these strong, inner feelings and more importantly when you stop brushing them off just because you want what you want. And, when you understand that these feelings that are telling you to run in the other direction even though you don't want to; that is the time that you will start to make healthy choices about where you take your life from this point forward.
99% of the time the consequence of ignoring your instinct will only cause you misery down the road. You will have to dig yourself out of a deeper hole when you finally acknowledge that those "signs" that you blew off where really there to guide you.
When and if you finally do start to tap into your gift and when you have the courage to do the right thing, instead of not listening and doing what your ego wants; you will begin to experience what it's like to be "Divinely" guided down the right path.
Learn to tap into the power that is within you, your God-give ability to discern between what's good for you or not and you will be putting your faith in the process that everything always works out for the best. And that faith will help to eliminate the suffering that goes along with being attached to the outcome of what you thought was best for you, but divine intervention knew differently!
Do you want to find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now? Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys To Unlock The Power Within You", or "There is Life After What's his name"
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